On September 5, 2022, at the iniziative of the ERFAN Secretariat, His Excellency, Agostino PALESE, visited the Animal Health Institute in Sebeta. Tha aim was to strengthen collaboration between Italy and Ethiopia on diagnosis, surveillance and control of the main animal diseases of mutual interest.
The Institute of Animal Health is an Ethiopian government institute with the objective of preventing, controling and eraditing animal diseases. Its tasks include: coordinating animal health research; identifying animal disease control strategies; identifying the causes of animal disease outbreaks; providing animal health diagnostic reference services; collecting, archiving, organising, analysing and sharing animal health information with stakeholders; adapting animal health research technologies from other countries; developing veterinary laboratory diagnostic inputs; and working in collaboration with national and international animal health research and diagnostic institutions.

Welcome remarks by the Director General of the Institute of Animal Health, Dr. Tesfaye Rufael.

An introduction to the roles and responsibilities of animal health institutes and the OIE twinning project on CBPP by Dr Biniam Tadesse.

Visit of the AHI laboratory facilities.