ERFAN presents the online seminar on “Stray dog population management: the new WOAH standard and examples of the current situation in Northern Africa, Southern Africa and Italy”, jointly presented by the Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale Teramo, Ecole Nationale de Médecine Vétérinaire (ENMV) Sidi Thabet, Biotechpole Sidi Thabet.

The WOAH Terrestrial Animal Health Code sets out standards for the improvement of animal health and welfare and veterinary public health worldwide, including through standards for safe international trade in terrestrial animals (mammals, reptiles, birds and bees) and their products.

Among the other standards, giving reference to ensure good state of welfare to the different species of animals in the different conditions in which they live and die, Chapter 7.7 is specifically dedicated to dog population management.

In this seminar, the specific WOAH standard will be described, and overviews of the current situation on dog population management systems in place in Tunisia, South Africa and Italy will be given.   

The seminar is scheduled for the 19 March at 11:00 (CEST).