The ERFAN Secretariat, in collaboration with the Working Group on “Anthrax“- SADC Region, organises the online information days on “Anthrax: aetiology, epidemiology, diagnosis and management“.
The general objective of the ID is to provide clinical laboratory scientists with information about the laboratory identification of Bacillus anthracis. The specific objectives are to assist veterinarians and health workers to better recognize Anthrax in case of suspect outbreaks, to correctly collect samples for analyses and to implement appropriate control measures in order to avoid or contain the spread of the disease.
The African participants come from National Veterinary Laboratories and Veterinary schools of SADC Region, from Sudan and from the Istituto Zooprofilattico della Puglia e della Basilicata as Italian Reference Laboratory for Anthrax.
the first session is scheduled for 15 April 2021.
For more information on the Agenda and on how to take part, please contact: erfan@izs.it