Small Grants 2022 for Sustainable Livelihoods Projects in Zimbabwe
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is inviting interested NGOs/CBOs to develop innovative proposals for projects towards supporting awareness and education on conservation; sustainable livelihoods activities on community based Sustainable Forest Management (SFM); Sustainable Land Management (SLM); Human Wildlife Conflict (HWC) Management; and alternative sources of income and energy in targeted Community Wildlife Conservancies (CWCs) in Hurungwe, Mbire and Muzarabani Districts.
Thematic Areas
The focus should be on any one of the following thematic areas:
- Thematic area 1 – Awareness and Education: Awareness campaigns targeting Illegal Wildlife Trade (IWT), deforestation and climate change adaptation and mitigation across the project area covering all 3 districts.
- Thematic Area 2 – Livelihood Enhancement: Sustainable livelihood activities that contribute directly to community based SFM, SLM and HWC management outcomes.
- Thematic Area 3 – Alternative Sources of Energy: The provision of alternative sources of energy, clean energy and energy saving technologies in the target Districts.
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