PRIMA 2023 Call is Open to Applications. THEMATIC AREA: Nexus
he PRIMA foundation launches a call for proposal to support the Nexus cross-sectoral concept as a tool in climate adaptation and mitigation strategies by designing and integrating Nexus solutions into existing climate change adaptation plans at the sectoral level and assessing their impact on the livelihoods of populations and the socio-economic performance in the Mediterranean region. Through a multi-actor approach, project proposals should be built at various demonstration sites, preferably located in Mediterranean Partner Countries31 characterized by diverse climate and agro-ecological and socio-economic conditions with a critical mass of stakeholders, e.g., policymakers, public authorities, farmers, and other end users. Projects should co-deploy WEFE Nexus-based adaptation solutions, including changes in production and management practices (for instance, adapted varieties, mixed cropping systems, agroecological practices, nature-based measures, and renewable energy. Technologies and processes could also be implemented and validated at the demonstration sites, including decision support systems and digital solutions.
For more details, please visit IA Call “Nexus Management Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems”